生存训练:婴儿心肺复苏 - CPR
字幕:Noise yeah yeah noise. like all scenarios, we have to ensure that the scene is safe. Before we begin rescue, or else we could become a victim to. In this scenario, you can see that the baby is probably actually got themselves into a bad situation because they bit accord that was frayed and may have been electrocuted. So before we ever touch this baby, we've got to make sure that we de energize the source of the electrocution. In this case, I follow with my eyes the cord right back to its source of energy, and I carefully unplug it and ensure that there's no longer any chance of getting electrocuted.
It's at this time, if there are bystanders, it wouldn't be bad to call 911, or have somebody go call 911 while we then grab the baby and bring them to a place where there's a hard surface, so that we begin rescue carefully, roll the baby, bring them to a hard surface. Now, let's take a look at infant cpr. But before we get into the actual skills, let's talk about a few important parts. One of those is make sure that the surface that you lay the baby on is hard, and it will not allow the body of the baby to sink into padding.
That's part of the reason why I'm not on the floor on a carpeted padded surface. We wanna make sure that every compression I give is maximal. We want to make sure that it is actually doing what it's supposed to do, and that the baby's body is not sinking into that surface, diminishing the effect of the compression. Number two, when it comes to infants and children, they're so respiratory driven there. So oxygen driven that we wanna make sure to make a note whether or not they went into cardiac arrest in our presence or whether we found them already in cardiac arrest.
Because if we found them in cardiac arrest and we don't know how long they've been down, we know they need oxygenation really bad. So we're gonna actually postpone contacting 911 or EMS to give them cpr. When we don't have a phone readily available. If we have a phone available, or we have somebody who can go call 91, then by all means don't delay EMS. But if you don't have a way to call 911, and we found the baby already in cardiac arrest, we're gonna deliver two minutes of cpr before we interrupt to go call 911.
If the baby was witnessed, we call 911 immediately, and then go right into cpr. It's not wrong to carry the baby with you either. So if you found the baby downstairs and you have to bring them up to meet the ambulance, you could carry the baby with you and get the 911 call made, and then begin your cpr right away. In this case, the scene is safe, our gloves are on, our cpr shield is available, and I actually do have a cell phone that's available.
So I'm gonna call 911, because the baby is not responding. I've already tapped their feet. I've already tapped their chest. They didn't move, they didn't cry. They didn't talk, they didn't moved to my tickling and they certainly are not breathing normally. So I know this is a medical emergency. So I called 911. I actually put the phone on the speaker so that the dispatch center can Coach me through this event. I'm not alone anymore. I have help. Now I'm going to bear the chest of the baby.
And I'm gonna find the imaginary line between the nipple yps. I'm now gonna put my two fingers down on the center of the chest to begin my 1/3, the depth of the chest, or approximately 1.5 deep compression, add a rate between a hundred and 120 times per minute, one and two, and three, and four, and five, and six, and seven, and eight, and nine, and 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 1920, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
我会在乳头yps之间找到假想线。我现在要把两个手指放在胸部中央,以开始我的1/3(胸部的深度)或大约1.5的深压缩,将速度增加一分钟,每分钟一百至120次,以及3和4,以及5和6,以及7和8,以及9和10、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、1920、21、22、23、24、25 ,26、27、28、29、30。
Now I'm gonna take my cpr shield with a 1 way valve. I'm gonna cover the nose and mouth of the baby. Now watch as I do the head tilt, chin lift. I'm not bringing the head fully back like I would a large child or an adult, because a baby's airway is only the size of their pinky. So what we're doing is bringing the baby's head into more of a neutral position. Remember, infants don't really have much of a neck. So if their chin is too close to their chest, or their head is tilted back too far, both can actually diminish the openness of their airway.
So I want them in more of a neutral position. Now there's another little way to remember that. And I call it this sniffing position. Now what do I by sniffing position? What I mean is if you walked into a room and someone were baking cookies, you wouldn't really put your nose down. Like you're smelling a flower, you would maybe put it a slightly bit up into the air and someone's baking cookies. What's that smell? So that's what we mean by the sniffing position.
It's not fully back, it's just slightly raised. So we bring the baby's head into the neutral position or slightly sniffing position. Now I'm gonna seal my mouth over the nose and mouth of the baby and deliver a rescue breath. As I deliver the breath, I see the chest rise and fall. I'm going to deliver my second breath. As I give my second breath, the air goes in again. Now I'm gonna reach pete, the chest compression, 30 chest compression yps between a rate of a hundred to 120 times a minute.
Then I'm gonna give them two more rescue breaths. And I'm gonna continue this cycle of 30. Chest compression is to two rescue breaths. Sand. I'm not going to stop until EMS arrives. An a e d arrives, or someone equally trained or higher relieves me from this skill.