生存训练:成人心肺复苏 -Adult CPR
生存训练:成人心肺复苏 -Adult CPR
字幕:Yeah. Now in this segment, we're gonna cover adult cpr. Now this is about an 18 year old male witnesses say that he was playing basketball when suddenly he started to lose his balance. He crushed his chest and collapsed to the floor and was not responsive. We find him on the floor the same way they described it. Now before we get into actually doing the cpr skills, we still want to make sure that the scene is safe. He did not step on electric cord. There were no gases in the area that made him collapse.
Once we can be sure that the scene is safe. We make sure our gloves are on our cpr shield with a 1 way valve is available. And now we can begin with our taps and shouts. So we tap and shout on the collar bone. Sir, alright, are you he does not respond to our taps and shelves and he's not apparently breathing normally at all. So we're gonna go ahead and activate EMS. You in the plaid shirt, go call 911 and come back. If you see an AD please bring it back with you.
If there's nobody to go, call 911 for you, and you have a cell phone, dial 91, one, hit the speakerphone button and leave it on so that the dispatcher can Coach you through the cpr along the way. But now, because we know he's unresponsive, not breathing, normally I'm gonna go straight into my cpr compression. A few pieces to note here. When we talk about the chest compression, the landmark we're looking for to do chest compression is the first palm between the center of the chest between the nipple line and the lower 3rd of the sternum.
We wanna be sure to interlock our Top hand over the first hand, keeping our elbows locked and leaning over the patient. We want to use our upper body weight to help us do that consistent chest compression for a longer period of time than if we're trying to use our upper body strength. The second piece of that, when we do our full two to 2.4 inch deep compression, we wanna make sure that we come all the way back up and allow the chest to fully recoil. Before we give our second, 3rd and consecutive chest compression, the rate by which we're going to do these chest compression zizz between a hundred and 120 times per minute.
That means we're gonna be delivering at least two chest compression every second. And this is what it looks like, one and two, and three, and four, and five, and six and seven, and eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 1921, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 2093. Now I'm gonna do a head tilt, chin lift. I'm gonna cover his nose and mouth with my mask, pinching his nose, opening his mouth.
这意味着我们将每秒至少提供两次胸部按压。这就是它的样子,一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、1921 ,22、23、24、25、26、27、28、2093。现在,我要倾斜头部,抬起下巴。我要用口罩遮住他的鼻子和嘴,捏他的鼻子,张开他的嘴。
Now I deliver two rescue breaths. Now I know the two breaths went in because I saw a good chest rise and fall. Now I'm going straight back into my 32 inch to 2.4 inch deep compression at a rate of 100 to 120 times two and three and four and five, six and seven and eight intent on and so on, up to 30 followed by two more rescue rests, and we're gonna continue this 30. Compression is to two rescue breaths until EMS arrives, until an a e d arrives on scene, or until the patient starts to respond and breathe normally.